IO2 - Study of prospective and training needs of renewable energies market for local development
- Training needs in RES for local development (95 downloads)
- O2_Training needs in RES for local development_Sp 01 (48 downloads)
- O2_Training needs in RES for local development_Sp 02 (57 downloads)
- O2_Training needs in RES for local development_Hu (46 downloads)
- O2_Training needs in RES for local development_Ro (38 downloads)
IO3 - Report of project collaborators network
- O3_Collaborators network report (42 downloads)
- Newsletter 1
- Newsletter 2
- Newsletter 3
- Newsletter 4
- Newsletter 5
- Newsletter 6
IO5 - Open Educational Resources for “Effective use of virtual learning platform and ICT tools for online courses”
IO6 – Open Educational Resources for online course of technical English for renewable energy
IO7 – Open Educational Resources for online course of renewable energy for local development
IO8 - Open online course of technical English for renewable energy
IO9 - Open online course of renewable energy for local development
- Module 1: Introduction to renewable energy for local development
- Module 2: Photovoltaic energy
- Module 3: Biomass
- Module 4
IO10 - Compilation of case studies of applying renewable energies to local development nationally implemented along the project
IO11 - Compilation of case studies of applying renewable energies to local development transnationally implemented along the project and C5 - Blended mobility of higher education students
IO12 - Open Educational Resources of active job search open course for renewable energy in rural areas
IO13 - Final evaluation of the project
IO14 – Guide for rural municipalities